Calibration challenges solved with Permeation Tube Technology
Challenge: The challenge is that permanent gases or air pollutants that cannot be liquefied, such as O2, NO, CO, N2, CH4, NO, etc. must be used in the gas form for calibration and are unstable in static mixtures at trace concentrations (ppm and lower). Using a permeation tube emitting at a very low flow rate for dilution to ppm and lower concentrations requires precision flow, pressure, and temperature control devices. Dynamically generating the gas mixture as it is needed eliminates issues created from storing the mixture.
Solution: Trace Source™ 57H Gas Fed permeation tubes used within a system that combines the FlexStream™ Base and PM/GF Modules provide the controls needed for creating trace concentrations of high vapor pressure (permanent) gases such as O2, NO, CO, N2, CH4, etc. that cannot be liquefied. The mechanism and controls needed to deliver accurate gas standards at trace concentrations is a combination of the tube construction and the equipment controls required to hold the tube at equilibrium conditions. The FlexStream™ System provides automated mechanical controls to hold the permeation tube at equilibrium for dynamically delivering a precise gas standard with each use.
Read more “Low Concentration Calibration for High Vapor Pressure Gases”