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The Leader in Low Concentration Gas Standards
KIN-TEK Analytical, Inc. (KIN-TEK), is a leader and preferred provider of devices and instrumentation used for creating trace concentration calibration gas standards and complex gas mixtures. KIN-TEK revolutionized permeation tube technology in the 1970’s and further developed the technology to produce Trace Source™ Disposable and Refillable Permeation Tubes. The Trace Source™ Permeation Tube is employed in KIN-TEK’s Gas Standard Generators to provide accurate, on-demand calibration standards. Calibration gas standards are available for over 550 chemical compounds, each with a Certificate of Calibration for traceability to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). KIN-TEK delivers trace gas calibration solutions and services worldwide for customer specific applications in the laboratory, field, and process industries!
How Do You Calibrate?
Learn the benefits of using the KIN-TEK SPAN PAC 61-I Industrial Gas Standard Generator for calibration in hazardous environments.
Learn about other KIN-TEK Calibration options by visiting the KIN-TEK Video library
Read up on the latest calibration application by visiting KIN-TEK Permi- Blogs
Shop now for select Disposable Permeation Tubes in KIN-TEK's new Storefront
KIN-TEK Analytical, Inc.
504 Laurel St.
La Marque, TX 77568 USA
409-938-3627 x 0 (Information)
409-938-3627 x 113 (Sales)
409-938-3627 x 120 (Technical Services)
Toll Free: 800-326-3627 (USA only)
Fax: 409-938-3710
Email: [email protected]