Cylinder Air Quality for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Ensuring the quality of air in a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) is important for the safety and well-being of the consumer in diving, firefighting, and laboratory applications. Divers, for example, will be completely reliant on the SCBA while under water, each diving tank has ~1 hour of use. If the mixture has contaminants, it can adversely affect the divers health or equipment. The supplier must ensure their breathing air cylinder is below contaminant thresholds for compounds such as CO, CO2, and Volatile Hydrocarbons by testing their equipment and process.
KIN-TEK offers solutions to calibrate equipment used to analyze contaminants in breathing air from ppm to % concentrations. The FlexStream™ system utilizes Trace Source™ Permeation Tubes to simulate the proper mixtures of breathing air with and without contaminants for comparison during analysis. Trace Source™ Permeation Tubes provide a NIST traceable method for calibrating gas analysis equipment and over 550 chemical gas standards are available.
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