The 491Flex™ Gas Standards Generator provides:
- Industry-standard for over 40 years
- Permeation tube oven with wide temperature range controlled to 0.1 °C
- Primary dilution mass flow rate
- Standby, zero and span modes
- Single-oven module can create mixtures with up to 8 components
- Expandable (limited)
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Overview (Additional Modules)
The 491Flex™ is ideally suited for creating trace concentration – ppm, ppb, and pptr – mixtures. The 491Flex™ uses KIN-TEK Trace Source™ disposable, refillable and diffusion permeation tubes for over 550 Supported Chemicals.
The 491Flex™ System is composed of one or more of the following manually-operated modules, depending on application requirements:
- 491Flex™ Base Module (shown above): The “Base” module is required in every 491Flex™ System. This module provides manual front panel (a) oven temperature setpoint and primary dilution flow rate adjustment controls, (b) standby, zero and span selection, and (c) permeation tube oven temperature and primary dilution mass flow rate digital readout. [491Flex™ Base Module brochure]
- 491Flex™ PM Auxiliary Permeation Oven Module (PM): The PM provides additional permeation tube ovens to allow generation of a multi-component gas stream for cases in which (a) the tubes must be maintained at different temperatures, (b) differing permeation technologies (disposable tubes vs. refillable tubes) are required, (c) more components are needed than can be held in a single oven, or (d) for applications in which various components will be switched in and out of the gas stream. One PM oven module can be added wherein each oven can hold up to eight disposable permeation tubes or one factory-refillable tube. Any combination of ovens can be kept on standby to keep various tubes at temperature while not adding their emission to the output gas stream. [491Flex™ PM brochure]
- 491Flex™ SD Secondary Dilution Module (SD): The SD Module extends the range of concentration attained from permeation tubes by providing an additional stage of dilution of the gas stream. Very low concentrations – ppb or ppt – can be generated depending on the emission rate of the tubes and the flow rate range of the primary and secondary dilution flow controllers. Overall dilution ratios of 10,000:1 can be achieved. [491Flex™ SD Module brochure]
- 491Flex™ IM Interface Module (IM): The IM contains gas stream interfacing components needed to assure constant gas stream output conditions independent of variations in flow and pressure. The Interface Module is ideal for applications where flow capacity of end use is limited (e.g., filling of gas bags), or when back pressure is required to introduce the output gas stream sample to the device under test. Controls are provided on the front panel for adjusting the output pressure. [491Flex™ IM brochure]
491Flex™ Modular Gas Standards Generator

The example 491Flex™ System above contains a 491Flex™ Base Module, 491Flex™ PM and 491Flex™ IM.
491Flex™ features:
- Industry standard for over 40 years
- Complete, integrated, ready-to-use turnkey system
- Manually operated via front panel controls
- Direct readout of oven temperature and mass flow rate
- Modes of Operation: standby, zero and span
- Designed for limited expandability
- Flow path designed for maximum flexibility with minimum error
- Flow path suitable for reactive gases – mixture contacts only glass, Teflon® and stainless steel (other materials available)
- Optional component flow path materials available (sulfinert-coated, all stainless, etc.)
- Accepts disposable permeation tubes, diffusion tubes, ultra-high rate liquid filled tubes, wafer tubes, and prefilled gas fed permeation tubes
- Accepts up to 8 disposable tubes per oven with maximum 6 inch length x 1/4 inch diameter (KIN-TEK HRT, SRT and EL tubes)
- Accepts one of KIN-TEK refillable LFH, and 57 Series tubes per oven
Please click the “Specifications” tab above to see more features and specifications of the 491Flex™.
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